Collaborating for Digital Health and Care in Europe
Community Update
This autumn EHTEL is bubbling with ideas, projects and events. We are committed to find new ways to help you get the most of your EHTEL Membership and Community, and particularly to understand the current challenges raised by the new European Health Data Space regulation. Stay tuned, since several exciting opportunities to gather and share knowledge are coming up!
This newsletter contains valuable videos and learnings from EHTEL-supported projects, like vCare, which worked on virtual coaching and rehabilitation at home with the help of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Announced too is an open call and opportunities for involvement and networking at a major conference.
▶️ An upcoming opportunity to understand the European Health Data Space policy
On 29-30 August 2022, vCare held its final conference.The two days were packed with learnings about the innovative vCare virtual coaching system - the result of a successful collaboration between project partners. Several invited projects and products already on the market also shared their experience on turning the @home paradigm into reality. Curious to learn more?
A LIFEBOTS Exchange workshop took place on 30 August 2022. The workshop played a vital role in connecting together many different topics. Among them: virtual coaching, physical coaching, the use of social robots, human-machine interaction, and common outcomes and consequences.
BeWell is a new project which aims to form an alliance and build a movement of all healthcare stakeholders. The group is committed to the upskilling and reskilling of the European health workforce. BeWell’s ultimate goal is to develop a green and digital skills strategy for the health ecosystem.
Through acknowledgement of its CEN Workshop Agreement, the OPEN DEI coordination and support action's work has been recognised as a de facto reference.
Next step: a good practice guideline on the most suitable types of consent for the use of digital health innovations.
Casa di Cura Privata del Policlinico (CCPP) is a fully integrated multi-speciality clinical centre based in Italy. It has three aims: to bring innovation into clinical practice, test new methods and tools for rehabilitation, and provide integrated care services. This focus on digital health enables CCPP to participate in a range of EHTEL-supported projects, most notably vCare and PROCARE4LIFE.
75%ofEHTEL’smembers have a solid track record in leading or working inEuropean and international projects. The EHTEL community is rich in skills, expertise, and knowledgeon how to develop and implement successful project proposals.
EHTEL is keen to see its members and partners as successful contributors to European-wide projects and initiatives.