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2021 Thought Leader EHTEL Symposium

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Symposium focus

Change is a constant. Today, Europe is focused on the digital decade. In health and care, the spotlight is on the use of digital technologies and the use of data. This focus is magnified by the damage dealt to many systems and people by the COVID-19 experience. Europe’s healthcare systems are already seeing a massive shift in the debate about the use of digital technologies and data.

Movement is taking place from discussions about patients’ own access to their health and care data. The new orientation is towards citizen’s control of much wider forms of data. As a result, many questions are pending about citizens’ capacity to share this data and what to get in return. Undoubtedly, this will lead to many new data services and novel sources of data. Artificial intelligence (AI) is already playing a massive role in this new arena: from 2022 onwards, it is likely to play a far more influential one.

The challenge is how to govern and regulate these world-changing developments, from a European angle. EHTEL’s 2021 Symposium will help you understand and potentially navigate and govern the future of European health data space(s), enable citizen-centric data sharing, and understand both technical and societal developments in fields like medical devices, AI, and genomics. It will build on and create synergies with EHTEL’s associated work on Imagining 2029 and the European Health Data Space.


What is in it for you? 

Free to attend, the Symposium will offer you the chance to:

  • Experience an intensive two-afternoon opportunity to imagine, with others, what a future citizen-centric health data ecosystem will look like.
  • Attend eight in-depth sessions with contributions by excellent, well-known speakers.
  • Get on top of citizens’ control and sharing of data in the health and care fields.
  • Explore through presentations, debates, and Q+A, the influence on health and care of technologies like AI, big data, and machine learning.
  • Learn about topical and provocative matters like the FAIR data economy, data altruism, hybrid care, and the future role of genomics.
  • Understand the potential new digital services in health and care in the years ahead.
  • Foresee the potential impacts of proposals for new legislation and regulations.
  • Express your own views in polls, pose your own questions, make your own points, and network!


📅 Take a look at the programme ⬇

Do you want to have an impact on the future of the European Health Data Space (EHDS)?

Several of the 2021 Symposium sessions relate to the four areas of the EHTEL position paper on the EHDS consultations.

👀 Read about EHTEL's proposed actions and have your say!



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