New EHTEL member, DeepBlue, has provided EHTEL with information about an exciting, ongoing European project.
FAITH is an EU-funded research project that aims to provide an artificial intelligence (AI) application that remotely identifies depression markers in people who have undergone cancer treatment. It uses federated learning. The cancer patients involved include people treated for lung cancer and breast cancer. FAITH’s full description is of a “Federated Artificial Intelligence solution for moniToring mental Health status after cancer treatment”.
Eighteen million people worldwide develop cancer every year. Cancer is the second cause of death globally every year. Almost a quarter of cancer patients (23.4%) are in Europe.
FAITH is just one of several EU projects financed under the topic of "Big Data and AI for monitoring health status and quality of life after cancer treatment", launched in 2019.
FAITH strives to make a difference. That is why, since its start in 2020, the project has been involved in two working groups:
- “Cancer survivorship – AI for well-being”: It gathers together projects that address issues of depression, mental health, well-being, and patient support under the motto, “We don’t work in silos.”
- Open DEI Health & Care Cluster. This cluster works towards the digitalisation of European industry, including in the health and care fields.
What’s next in 2022 and 2023
In 2022, FAITH will be undertaking observational trials in three hospital sites as well as AI validation. By January 2023, a refined app will be ready, and by June 2023 a beta version will have been produced.
The trial sites are located in three hospitals in Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. Real end-users – clinicians and patients – will collect the data needed to train FAITH’s AI algorithms.
Eventual results
For patients in particular: FAITH aims at creating an innovative solution to support cancer patients’ quality of life. AI-based technologies track patient’s targeted depression markers. FAITH can then monitor downward trajectories in these markers and inform cancer survivors’ point of care in case of declines. Survivors who begin to experience these declines get the chance to be more aware of their mental health situation, and in the end, to improve their quality of life.
For healthcare providers: They will receive advanced warnings that enable timely intervention in case downward trajectory is detected in the mental well-being of patients, thus offering them as early as possible intelligent post-cancer support.
What’s in FAITH for EHTEL members?
FAITH will help provide EHTEL members with a better sense of what is happening in today’s hospitals in Europe with regards to the development of AI for patients support.

***For more information visit the project website***