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European Strategy for Data: Pathways for moving towards (Health) Data Space

ELO Network Virtual Meeting - 20 May 2020


On the 20th May 2020, EHTEL launched the webinar European Strategy for Data: Pathways for moving towards (Health) Data Space. It was the first step of the Imagining 2029 work programme, a programme building on a series of webinars – hosted by its working groups –  focused on accelerating digital transformation acknowledging the opportunities and challenges raised by the current COVID-19 crisis. As a part of the Imagining 2029 work programme, the webinar belongs to the ELO Network agenda for 2020: Getting ready for European Health Data Space(s).


This ELO Network Webinar was about understanding the overall “European strategy for data”. It looked at the concept of European Data Spaces and European Health Data Spaces – a process view from a cross-sectoral perspective. Attendees reflected jointly on what the space will mean for the national and regional eHealth competence centres. They shared lessons learned so far. Overall, ELO Network members were encouraged to contribute by responding to the EC Consultation on strategy for data.

Webinar outcomes

During the webinar, Ceri Thomson (Deputy Head of Unit DG CONNECT) illustrated how today’s rapid increase in digital health services data volume leads to increased data sharing, boosting storage solutions and helping citizen to better control their own data. This can be done by building new infrastructures, and finding an appropriate data sharing model.

Sven Meister (Head of Department of Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST) compared data to the “new blood”. He emphasised how important it is to maintain health data sovereignty and to have decentralized medical data spaces. He also focused on the role of business and on legal and ethical implications of data-sharing.

In the following virtual round table, EHTEL ELO Network members delivered four different national perspectives from Denmark, Finland, Belgium, and a German region, Saxony.

Michael Johansen (Chief Consultant, team leader at MedCom) talked about Danish solution for integrating data provided by patients and data provided e.g. by general practitioners into a national infrastructure.

Vesa Jormanainen (THL, Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland) provided us with perspective from Finland, where COVID-19 has led to a plethora of new digital and remote services, resulting in a real boost to innovation and development.

Luc Nicolas (eHealth project officer, EHTEL) focused on Belgium, and on the need to adapt existing health data spaces and connect to external trusted sources.

Hannes Schlieter (TU Dresden) provided us with an overview of Saxony’s eHealth services in the context of nation-wide German eHealth infrastructures and data re-use initiatives.  


The factsheet

As a final outcome, EHTEL has developed a factsheet that summarises the main content of the webinar. 

Download the factsheet (pdf)

Read the news on the factsheet launch


- Check out the next webinars under the ELO Network agenda for 2020

- Learn all about Imagining 2029 work programme

- Download all the speakers' PDF presentation, including Sven Meister video, in the "Resources" section below⤵️

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  • EHTEL Factsheet: European Strategy for Data: Pathways for moving towards (Health) Data Space 22 June 2020 EHTEL PDF*
  • Webinar Agenda: European Strategy for Data: Pathways for moving towards (Health) Data Space 20 May 2020 EHTEL PDF*
  • A European Strategy for Data & European Health Data Space European Health 27 May 2020 Ceri Thomson PDF*
  • VIDEO | Medical Data Space: Your data at your own fingertips 20 May 2020 Sven Meister MP4*
  • Aligning reference architectures, open platforms and large scale pilots in digitizing European industry 20 May 2020 Luc Nicolas PDF*
  • Virtual Round Table, Denmark: Pathways for moving towards (Health) Data Spaces 20 May 2020 Michael Johansen PDF*
  • Virtual Round Table, Finland: Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19-infection cases in hospital ward care and intensive care units (ICU) and deaths daily 21.3.–18.5.2020. 20 May 2020 Vesa Jormanainen PDF*
  • Virtual Round Table, Belgium: HDS - Some reflections from Belgium 20 May 2020 Luc Nicolas PDF*
  • Virtual Round Table, Germany-Saxony 20 May 2020 Hannes Schlieter PDF*


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