EU*US eHealth Work

Measure. Inform. Educate. Advance.
In today’s digital environment, healthcare authorities face important challenges in ensuring that the eHealth workforce has the appropriate skills to provide solid solutions to people's and patients’ health.
Project description
EU*US eHealth Work is the continuation of the EU-US collaboration on health information technology that ran from 2013 to 2015 and formed a solid part of the EU-US Memorandum of Understanding.
The EU*US eHealth Work project was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, grant agreement No 727552 (call H2020-SCI-HCO-13-2016).
It ran from September 2016 to May 2018 and aimed to:
- Identify, map, and analyse eHealth skills for the healthcare workforce across the globe. The project addressed the full spectrum of job roles involved in eHealth, from clinical and social care to administration and informatics.
- Advance the digital skills of all people working in health care through information, education, and training. Make a better use of technology and health information systems.
- Identify educational resources for eHealth training to make them visible and available.
- Develop an online curriculum that provides a foundational education in eHealth/healthcare IT.
- Provide an interactive platform to access the skills assessment and the online curriculum.
- You can download the White Paper EU*US eHealth Works to Improve Global Workforce Development here.
EHTEL's role
EHTEL was Working Package leader for WP5 - Dissemination and exploitation.
EHTEL also created a Task Force which allowed its members to participate actively to the project’s activities by:
Taking the survey on digital skills and curricula related to health IT.
Developing an interactive website platform which is linked to the HITCOMP Tool and Repository.
Disseminating useful information about the progress and outcomes of the EU*US eHealth Work project.
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 727552
***For more information visit the project website***