Standards in ICT for active and healthy ageing
Project description
The socio-economic challenges involved in ensuring that citizens age actively and healthily is one main concern within Europe.
To achieve reformed and empowering services for older and elderly adults, many different standards are needed in such fields as design for all, smart buildings, standards for telehealth and, telemedicine - including mHealth - and eHealth.
The PROGRESSIVE project focused on standardisation in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) for active and healthy ageing (AHA). It analysed how older people can be engaged in standardisation processes so that their voices are reflected in the content of standards. Its outcomes involved at least three sets of guidelines on standards around smart homes and age-friendly homes, age-friendly procurement practices, and general good practices.
In the context of an ageing population, the project increased older people’s engagement and inclusion in standardisation process as well as offered new ways of thinking to improve the impact and influence of standards.
EHTEL's role
EHTEL translated what has been learned in the eHealth field about standards and interoperability to the much wider domain of active and healthy ageing. To do this, the association worked with its various work groups on innovation and on health and care authorities.
In PROGRESSIVE, EHTEL led the work package on use cases and interoperability. Through it, it explored the role of standards for interoperability in specific and wider range of domains around ICT for active and healthy ageing - like electronic health records. It outlined the merits of various use cases, so that interoperability and harmonisation can be tested in different service models.
In addition, EHTEL focused on stakeholder engagement/stakeholder consultation; developing materials that can be stored on an online platform; helped to develop first drafts of guidelines; and assisted with the evaluation and monitoring of the project.
Towards the future
PROGRESSIVE culminated in a joint policy statement that outlined the importance of stakeholder engagement in the development of ICT for AHA standards. One of the key areas was the interoperability of services, goods, and equipment.
EHTEL continues its interest in interoperability, particularly in the field of electronic health records/electronic personal records, e.g. in the context of InterEHRoperate. EHTEL members are encouraged to get involved in policy formation in this field.
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 727802.
***For more information visit the project website***