A twinning scheme that supports digital transformation in Europe
EHTEL’s members have developed leading and interesting digital solutions in their regions and countries.
They often want to share their excellence with others, and may also want to find out more about digital solutions that are out there.
Twinning schemes are now a really popular way of sharing knowledge.
A scheme has now been launched that offers almost €1 million for more than 45 twinning arrangements!
The twinnings are organised under the umbrella of Digital Health Europe, a coordination and support action that helps to ensure:
Citizens’ secure access to health data.
Better data for health research across the European Union.
Digital tools for citizen empowerment and person-centred care.
Among the possibilities for twinning:
- Hosting meetings.
- Running technical groups.
- Acquiring (technical) licenses.
- Adopting digital solutions.
Much more detailed information is available on:
- https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/call-twinnings-digitalhealtheurope
- https://digitalhealtheurope.eu/twinnings.html
DigitalHealthEurope has also set up a twinnings marketplace, which can facilitate the matchmaking process between organisations: https://digitalhealtheurope.eu/twinnings/twinning-marketplace.html. This is also an excellent place to prepare a twinning tender.
Submitters will have two months – till early August 2019– to prepare their twinning arrangements and submit their proposal.