Access all the knowledge shared at the Symposium!
The first three sessions' presentations and videos are now available.
Meanwhile, watch this short video to learn what Symposium participants think is the one thing we should act on now in digital health.
In a nutshell:
At EHTEL’s 2024 Thought Leaders’ Symposium, there were:
- Seven sessions including an opening address and closing session.
- Two sponsors: Sorsix, the Scottish Government.
- Four supporting EU co-financed projects - our knowledge partners: xShare, BeWell, COMFORTage, LAUREL.
- 30 moderators and speakers.
- 80+ attendees on site.
On 4 December 2024, EHTEL President, Donna Henderson of the NHS National Services, Scotland, welcomed not only EHTEL members but also friends from across the community.
The entire day examined why - in the digital health field where the one constant is change - looking back at the “where” and “why” it all started is crucial for creating a better future.
Throughout the day's seven sessions, therefore, 30 moderators and speakers reflected on the day’s key messages, by looking both backwards and forwards.
Looking forwards to the immediate future, hear what Symposium participants think is the one thing we should act on now in digital health:
Session summaries
Click on each session to see more in detail, including the PDF presentations.
[1] Opening address and keynote speeches
[2] Looking backwards: deployment journeys and lessons learned
[3] Looking forwards: health and care delivery
[4] Looking forwards: towards an EHDS-enabling infrastructure
[5] Looking forwards: skills for scale
[6] Looking forwards: operational pathways to AI implementation
[7] Crossing boundaries between policy and implementation
For attendees especially interested in the role that the European Health Data Space (EHDS) – a chief topic touched on during the Symposium – EHTEL will be organising two EHDS Implementers’ Task Force meetings for EHTEL members and special guests. They will be held during the first half of the year. Meeting contents will be complementary to several of the Symposium sessions, but especially the session on moving towards an EHDS-enabling infrastructure.
In early 2025, look out for the videos of each Symposium session!