ANTILOPE was a thematic network, partially funded by the European Commission under the ICT Policy Support Programme as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). The European Commission launched the Thematic Network project Antilope in 2013 in order to promote the use of standards and profiles for eHealth interoperability and foster their adoptions across the European Union.
The ANTILOPE project was supported by leading International standardisation bodies and - e.g. through 10 regional summits throughout Europe -highlighted the critical role played by a European Interoperability Framework, an interoperability Quality Management System, supportive test tools and by quality labels, and certificates for interoperable solutions.
This was achieved through the initial production of high-quality documentation to be used in multi-stakeholder, multi-country workshops. Experts, opinion leaders and decision makers were confronted with those materials and encouraged to implement the ANTILOPE actions in order to deploy eHealth interoperability. Issues and barriers were recorded, and solutions proposed.
Four work packages provided guidelines, recommendations and frameworks based on a set of use cases, related profiles and standards, Interoperability Quality Management System, thereby testing guidelines and a certification process. The scalability of the results from the preparation phase to the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing was also considered. All the deliverables were presented for validation and promotion through workshops held across Europe that covered a range of countries.
The consortium included the required expertise. It mixed together a core group in charge of the production of the documentation, expert partners bringing the specific expertise, and supportive validation partners in charge of the organization of the workshops for the dissemination of the ANTILOPE recommendations among all stakeholders in their geographical area.
The beneficiaries represented standards (development) bodies, national or regional health authorities, competence centres and other directly relevant organizations.
EHTEL's role
EHTEL - through its EHTEL/ELO working group - managed the contribution of leading eHealth competence centres in Europe, as part of the Supporting Expert Partners Group.

This project received EU funding.
Find outmore on the project website.