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Many challenges and enablers exist to designing, testing and implementing innovative solutions for health in the framework of the digital and environmental transitions.

The focus of this conference is to facilitate the adoption and implementation of the emerging strategic drivers for health and care transformation, through knowledge sharing on use cases and scenarios that are characterised by a strong interdisciplinary, inter-organizational approach to health, and provide opportunities for sustainable development across industrial sectors.

Visit the official website to learn more, including how to register.

The RSCN, NET4Age-Friendly and ProMIS communities have been successful in collaborating with Federico II University to support participants from different knowledge fields in sharing experiences and good practices that require collaborative activities. Together, they highlighted a need to further foster collaboration across the quadruple helix of innovation to allow faster transfer of knowledge and solutions to benefit citizens, industry, government, and research community. This approach is in line with the WHO Council, that recently set out their plans to reorient economies to deliver health for all across four interrelated themes:

- Value - valuing and measuring what matters through new economic metrics;

- Finance - how to finance health for all as a long-term investment, not a short-term cost;

- Innovation - how to advance health innovation for the common good;

- Capacity - how to strengthen dynamic public sector capacity to achieve health for all.



Digital Health Uptake (DHU) will be running a session on 14 November on “Scaling up Digital Health for care continuity”

DHU Catalyst Session in AHL, Napoli 2023

November 14, 2023, 9.30-13.00

This DHU Catalyst session will addressing an audience primarily of health care professionals and policy makers at national level extended to international audiences through the participation of RSCN members and on-line participants.

Its focus is on scaling up DH solutions to support prevention, risk assessment, early identification and management of chronic conditions, also facilitating care continuity and service integration. It will explore how certain national, regional and local digitally enabled health programmes have successfully scaled up, resulting delivering value to patients, health professionals, health systems and the innovators’ market. The outcomes from this will help develop exemplary, case-study targeted activities, for broader replication.

Facilitators: Marc Lange, John Farrell


9.30-10.45 | Scaling up Digital Health

10.15 | Round table: overcoming bottlenecks to the uptake of digital solutions

11.00 | How does DHU help me

11.00-11.40 | DHU service offerings

  • Tools, support,
  • Twinnings
  • Events


11.40-12.00 | Discussion

12.00 – 13.00 | DHU Short papers


Visit the official website to learn more.



Practical information

Date : 13 - 15/11/2023

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