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COMFORTage event

Hybrid event

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Within the framework of the European project COMFORTage (Prediction, monitoring and personalized recommendations for prevention and relief of dementia and frailty), we have organized a free event called Open Day. This event will include a series of hybrid conferences and in-person demonstration sessions of innovative technologies. It will take place in Valladolid on June 13, 2024, under the title “Cognitive Health: Harnessing AI and technological advances for dementia and frailty prevention”.

All the information is described in the agenda below.

What benefits does participating in the COMFORTage Open Day offer?

  • First-hand knowledge of European innovations in the field of dementia and frailty, promoting a healthy living, life-course approaches and, as well as prevention strategies in the aging process.
  • Staying up-to-date on new and innovative technologies related to dementia and frailty.
  • Opportunity to expand your contacts through networking, establishing synergies and creating bonds with other regional stakeholders and COMFORTage partners.


If you would like to participate, please register here.

COMFORTage Open Day V4 ENG







Practical information

Date : 13/06/2024 Time (CET): 9:15 > 13:00

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