On 22 April 2024, the European Health Data Space (EHDS) stakeholder coalition launched an updated version of its latest views on the EHDS regulation document. This came about as a result of the coalition taking a look at the compromise document provisionally agreed by the European institutions on 15 March 2024.
The coalition's 36 signatory members came up with these six recommendations with which they would be willing to get involved:
- Address the risk of a fragmented interpretation and implementation of opt-out and opt-in mechanisms.
- Provide clear information to patients.
- Limit the additional burden on healthcare professionals.
- Focus on the interoperability of electronic health records in practice.
- Enhance legal clarity and improve definitions.
- Ensure systematic stakeholder involvement throughout the implementation and operation phases.
The coalition members have an overall positive view of the EHDS agreement, and are looking forward to contributing to future steps on the implementation and governance of the EHDS. This is timely activity made public during the week of an informal meeting among Europe's health ministers that is being held in Brussels on 23-24 April 2024.
As a signatory to the document, EHTEL has been keen to see the inclusion of "implementation actors" among the composition of stakeholder members and the strong focus on implementation.
Read the statement below ⤵️