CCPP has become part of the EHDEN project – European Health Data & Evidence Network ( – a 140-partner European consortium operating throughout the digital health innovation chain. EHDEN’s mission is to provide a new paradigm for health data discovery and analysis in Europe by building a federated data network from partners across Europe. Its focus is primarily on clinical research.
Thanks to the push provided by the EHDEN project, ever more players are paying increasing attention to the different characteristics of digital health hubs. The stakeholders include academic research groups, data partners (e.g. hospitals and registers), and small- and medium-sized enterprises.
Specific aspects that will be dealt with in the project by CCPP concern the sciences. They are related to the observation of health data of the OHDSI programme and the Common Data Model (CDM) of the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP).
CCPP is also engaged to two other activities.
CCPP is involved in the start-up of the new “OHDSI Italia” community. The community aims to become a reference point and meeting point for many Italian institutions. OHDSI Italia’s role is to enhance the sharing of mutual experiences and approaches with the international community and to address typically national issues.
CCPP expects to benefit from the wider knowledge provided by EHDEN and by EHTEL on the European Health Data Space, including opportunities to explore and expand the secondary re-use of health data for research purposes and gather insights on regulatory matters. Both EHDEN and EHTEL became signatories to the “stakeholders’ consensus response to the proposed European Health Data Space”.
CCP is a longstanding member of EHTEL.