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Earlier in 2024, the eIDAS regulation was revised to introduce the European Digital Identity Wallet. The European Commission has now initiated a public consultation process for several implementing regulations related to the European Digital Identity Wallet. The five topics covered range from certification to the implicit trust framework. The deadline for participation is 9 September 2024.

This wallet is designed to enable users to electronically identify and authenticate themselves online and offline, across borders, to access a wide range of public and private services. However, using the European Digital Identity Wallet will be voluntary, and existing methods of identification and authentication will still be available for accessing these services.


Source: European Commission website

The European Digital Identity Wallet is intended to offer users a high level of transparency, privacy, and control over their personal data. This includes features like generating pseudonyms, tracking access activity, and integrating privacy-preserving techniques.

The European Digital Identity Wallet will also support various use cases in healthcare, such as:

  • Accessing Health Data: Allowing individuals to collect or access their health information (e.g., electronic health records, person-generated health data).
  • Sharing Health Data: Enabling individuals to share their health data actively with those involved in their care - whether directly, indirectly, or informally - while maintaining control over what is shared.
  • Cross-Border Use Cases: Facilitating the use of cross-border healthcare services, whether in person or through remote access (e.g., cross-border telehealth).
  • Integration of Digital Health Technology: Ensuring secure and straightforward access to data, supporting the "once-only" principle, and enhancing the user experience with digital health technology.


Have your say

If you want to participate in the public consultation launched by the European Commission regarding five implementing regulations related to the European Digital Identity Wallet, you can give your answers by following the five links below. The feedback period is open until 9 September 2024.

Meanwhile, EHTEL's EHDS Implementers' Task Force plans to hold an online meeting on digital identity and the European Digital Identity Wallet in October 2024. More news shortly. 

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