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TIC Salut Social Foundation

EHTEL is pleased to count the TIC Salut Social Foundation (FTSS) as one of its members. For 15+ years, innovation in digital health has been the foundation’s motto. Today, it is showing people what can be the benefits of electronic health records and primary use of data in the European Health Data Space. Through its work in EHTEL, FTSS has introduced many EHTEL members to ways in which to integrate health, care, and social welfare. Barcelona too has always also been a great location for EHTEL-held events and activities, like its 2019 Symposium. Foundation personnel continue to contribute actively to EHTEL's events

TIC Salut Social spotlight


The TIC Salut Social Foundation (FTSS) is a public body of the Generalitat de Catalunya that works to facilitate digital transformation projects in the field of health care and social welfare. The foundation's vision is to promote the efficiency and sustainability of healthcare and social services through innovative technology. It promotes equity, innovation, collaboration, transparency, and knowledge transfer. 

The FTSS board of trustees is made up of high-level representatives from different domains: the Catalan Health and Social departments, the Catalan health service, the leading healthcare provider, employers' representatives, and members from social care entities in Catalonia. Having all these stakeholders involved in its board of trustees positions the foundation as a key agent that responds to their needs for digital transformation projects. It also acts as a link between the projects and external stakeholders in the healthcare and social ecosystem.

The foundation is connected to Catalan universities, official health and technology associations, and organisations in Catalonia and Spain. As a result of the implementation of competitive funded projects, it has generated an extensive international network with entities from different Member States of the European Union and global initiatives. 

What TIC Salut Social is doing

The TIC Salut Social Foundation (FTSS) focuses its core work on implementing digital transformation projects in Catalonia in many areas. They include artificial intelligence, mHealth, personalised attention, medical imaging, digital skills, and the integration of health and social services. As a hub with a focus on innovation, its main stakeholder activities are centred around professionals, citizens, systems, information, and ICT.

Specifically, one of the most outstanding projects that the FTSS is leading is the Health/AI Programme, approved by the Catalan government. The programme aims to create an enabling environment for innovation in the field of health through the development and implementation of AI solutions to improve citizens’ health. It prioritises prevention, leads the implementation of AI solutions, and contributes to improving the quality of care and the sustainability of the health system. It makes public use of the knowledge generated by Catalonia’s comprehensive health system.

The FTSS is also actively collaborating with the future Catalan Agency for Social and Health Integration. It is developing a new strategy for facilitating the digital transformation of social projects, in collaboration with the Department of Social Rights and other organisations.

To learn more about Tic Salut Social, visit its website.


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