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Latest News

  • 27/06/2024

    Celebrate EHTEL's 25th anniversary with us!

    EHTEL announces the date and content of its very special, 2024 Thought Leader Symposium. Taking place on 3-4 December, in Brussels, Belgium, the event will mark the celebration of EHTEL's 25th Anniversary. You are warmly welcome to join us for this special event!

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  • 02/05/2024

    MedCom celebrates 30 years of digitalisation

    “Once upon a time, in a small kingdom towards the north, something new was underway. The small project organisation “Danish Centre for Health Telematics” (later just known as MedCom) was established on May 16, 1994. It was given a very important job by the monarch: to connect the health sector electronically.”

    This could have been the catchy beginning of the short story you are about to read. Yet what happened 30 years ago in Denmark is not a fairytale. Rather, it was the result of joined-up national efforts, built on local initiatives and innovation in digitalisation of the health sector, and the hard work of pioneers in the field of health IT.

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  • 23/04/2024

    The EHDS stakeholder coalition updates its public statement

    On 22 April 2024, the European Health Data Space (EHDS) stakeholder coalition launched an updated version of its latest views on the EHDS regulation document. This came about as a result of the coalition taking a look at the compromise document provisionally agreed by the European institutions on 15 March 2024

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  • 16/04/2024

    Catalonia's Blue Button offers citizens more efficient and informed healthcare

    Powered by the TIC Salut Social Foundation

    Since 2023, citizens in Catalonia can have access to a summary of their clinical data by downloading the data from La Meva Salut and through the Blue Button. The TIC Salut Social Foundation will provide Catalonian citizens with the Blue Button solution and ensure its proper functioning. 

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  • 16/04/2024

    30+ digital health training courses on offer for health and care workforces

    Access to more than 30 training courses or programmes on digital skills for the health and care workforce is now located in the digital skills monitor developed by BeWell. 

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  • 08/04/2024

    The EHTEL agenda at the Radical Health Festival Helsinki 2024

    Ageing populations, increasing prevalence of cardio-metabolic conditions, workforce shortages and burnouts, rising healthcare costs, unsustainable financing systems, health inequities: health systems around the world are facing a perfect storm. We need to challenge and radically innovate the way we promote health and deliver care.

    In 2024 EHTEL is a Steering Committee Partner: which means EHTEL is co-organising three sessions in the festival.

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